When I was in 7th grade, my teachers encouraged me to write. In high school, my friend Tom and I wrote skits based on the comedy duo Cheech and Chong. We also wrote scout skits where we always splash water on someone at the end. I also liked writing songs and poetry. I played the keyboard and wrote songs with my friends Tom and Allan in various bands. I learned later that they maintained their creative side while they pursued a career but I went a different direction.
We all went our separate ways. I joined the U.S. Army and became an electronics technician. When I decided to leave military service, I spent the next 30 years in networking and computer support. Then the next 10 years, I provided direct health services helping my clients gain life skills and overcome obstacles presented by autism, poverty, addiction, and stress.
Now in semi-retirement, I am returning to the arts and making my foray into fantasy fiction writing. I have merged my imagination with my passion to dive into views on relationships and, most especially, egalitarianism. I discuss topics that, on the surface, seem innocuous and perhaps archaic. However, I see a world that needs change because we are active participants in an angry, violent, and judgmental society; we have scars. We may say that we are not guilty, but the evidence is clear – we are flawed humans, silent, apathetic participants in a vile world.
I have come to the conclusion that social equity and justice are only possible if we take the first step and confess our propensity to be unjust and biased. To do this, we must appeal to the better nature of our angels. Individually and collectively, we must open our hearts and minds to new possibilities. Perhaps, if we could serve each other in our natural relationships and our rulers could serve a higher purpose beyond selfish quests, we could have peace. To this end, I discuss topics such as health, spirituality, science, relationships, aptitude, justice, and beauty. I hope to inspire people to revolt against our dominating condition of vile motives, to have a change of heart and repent, and impact the world with love and compassion.
I am semi-retired with just under 30 years of U.S. Government service. I am an Army Signal Corps veteran from the Cold War Era. I served at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, and in Berlin, Germany. My wife and I live in Rockville, MD; we have been married since 1982. I have diabetes and successfully lost weight through diet and exercise and significantly reduced my medication. We have two boys and three grandchildren. I enjoy writing, cooking, and hanging out with my family.
I’m a writer specializing in blogs, business articles, and creative storytelling. While I enjoy the short story format, I’ve also written flash fiction, a novella, and a novel. My current focus is on refining my craft in erotica and American neo-realism fantasy, exploring themes of sexuality, social inequality, and the psychological impacts of exploitation, war, and terror.