The story begins with a young woman, Gwen Garcia, pregnant and in a coma. Gwen is being used as bait. To understand the importance of Gwen, we need to understand Sergio Martinez. Sergio is a farmer in Puerto Maldonado, a dusty Peruvian town in Andahuaylas that is booming because of a large number of men who are mining gold there. Sergio desires to better his life and makes a deal with the local shaman so he can have money to buy bars, drugs, alcohol, and prostitutes. In his desire to make a better life and create an empire, Sergio becomes a slave to a sinister way of life that threatens to destroy himself and the lives of the people around him.
After some years, Laka, a woman of spiritual powers and second woman of Sergio, reveals in a vision to Sergio that he will be destroyed by his own hand. Sergio does not know what this means and he does not trust his family. Sergio begins drinking heavily and often becomes violent. Sergio murders his favorite women, some friends, and a few workers. After seven years, one day Sergio hallucinates that his favorite cow is dancing with his current partner, Paulina. Sergio cannot find his cow and beats Paulina because she lost the cow. Sergio gets tired and leaves Paulina on the ground covered with her blood. He goes to the shaman and they start drinking. Sergio confesses his failure and asks for more power and a long life. P’aqo realizes that Sergio has been a good servant and grants his desire. Back at the house, hours later, Maria stumbles upon her mother, Paulina sends her to find the cow. Paulina hears Sergio outside talking to himself looking for Victoria. Paulina prays for protection and wisdom for her girls.
Sergio looks everywhere for Victoria, when he finds her he hangs her up in the barn, then rapes her, then beats her. Maria gets help searching for the cow from Julia, the neighbor. When they cannot find the cow, Julia spends the night with Maria in the barn. Sergio creates a storm and tries to kill the girls. The protection they have does not allow him to harm them. Sergio goes back to the barn and attempts to kill his blind daughter, Victoria. In the struggle, Victoria, kills her father in self-defense. Four Martinez girls are protected by the prayers of Paulina Soto, a third woman involved sexually with Sergio, from being killed that day. Victoria, seriously injured, is hidden away by her friend and neighbor, Julia Soto. Maria is adopted by a diplomatic family in Mexico. Cresha and Nikki are adopted by a Filipino couple living in Manila. The apparent death of Sergio is reversed by the curse P’aqo has put on Sergio, bringing the rise of Menga using Sergio’s ressurected soul, and desire to eliminate the one who will take his empire.
Once Victoria heals from her injuries, she studies to become a shaman, learning from Aiko and Laka spiritual guides. Meanwhile, Menga, attempts to find Victoria and travels to Mexico to find her step-sister Maria. Menga finds and murders Maria’s step-father, forcing Maria and her step-mother to flee to New York. Cresha and Nikki grow up and enjoy a free life hanging out with ex-pats, traveling, and going to parties. Cresha and Nikki jave a polyamory relationship with two guys, Mike Spiro and Ed Dawes; Cresha ends up in New York with Mike Spiro and they have a daughter Gwen. Nikki and Ed Dawes remain in the Philippines for many years. Ed goes to New York to open up a joint business with Mike. Later, Gwen goes to the Phillippines to live with her aunt Nikki until her death.
Menga intercepts a message from Julia to Maria’s step-father and Menga returns to Peru and murders Julia’s family. Julia and Victoria live in a hidden location nearby and are safe. With the assistance of Victoria, Maria brings the diaspora together in NYC and trains them to use spiritual weapons to fight Menga. But from the ashes of his destruction, Victoria heals P’aqo’s broken heart but is forced to kill Menga to stop the curse. Victoria is raised up by P’aqo to restore order to the Universe as the new Master of Reality. Gwen wakes up and Nikki dies once more.
P’aqo begins wandering the earth and Nikki who is ressurrected again, finds him. They partner together to challenge Victoria. P’aqo creates a diversion by stealing a U.S. nuclear secret weapon and selling it to a Chinese militant. The militant sends an undetectable submarine to destroy New York and start a nuclear holocaust. Lakita and Julia’s son, Micah, team up to locate the submarine. While this diversion occurs, Nikki takes over as Master of Reality by posing as Victoria. When Victoria figures out what is happening she returns to confront Nikki. Nikki paralyzes Victoria. When Nikki tries to use one of the black curses that only a reality Controller can use, her eyes become burnt, and Nikki is blind.
L&M locate and destroy the sub, killing P’aco. Cristina, Lakita’s mom, Cristina works at the State Department on a Need-to-know basis. Cristina gets notified (In Travor’s Park) that she needs to come in for a briefing. She goes into a local bookstore where an office is set up for her. Cristina learns that Rafael Chavez is also Yun Choi, an undercover Chinese double agent, the one who arranged for the Nuclear weapon exchange with P’aqo. Yun Choi is receiving a cloaking device and a weapon enhancer.
A ship is selected by Yun Choi to use to launch the attack and the transaction is confirmed by a P’aqo imposter (Nikki). Nikki becomes aware of Cristina’s involvement and kidnaps Micah and threatens to kill him if she does not help the deal to go through. Cristina reluctantly relents and looks the other way to allow the transaction. Lakita disguises herself as a cat and after putting Yun Choi under a spell, tries to switch the real weapon with a fake weapon. Nikki cannot see Lakita as a cat but she senses what Lakita is doing and appears at the scene of the transaction. Lakita escapes. Nikki has both the fake and real weapon. To punish Cristina and Lakita for getting involved, Micah is raped by Nikki (P’aqo) before being released. Micah is traumatized and cannot move; he needs to be fed intravenously. Lakita is depressed about her friend, Micah. Yun Choi arranges for the nuke to be fired on New York.
A story about the aftermath of P’aqo turning the Universe over to Victoria. P’aqo begins wandering the earth and Nikki finds him. They partner together to challenge Victoria. P’aqo creates a diversion by stealing a U.S. nuclear secret weapon and selling it to a Chinese militant. The militant sends an undetectable submarine to destroy New York and start a nuclear holocaust. Lakita and Julia’s son, Micah, team up to locate the submarine. While this diversion occurs, Nikki takes over as Master of Reality by posing as Victoria. When Victoria figures out what is happening she returns to confront Nikki. Nikki paralyzes Victoria. When Nikki tries to use one of the black curses that only a reality Controller can use, her eyes become burnt, and Nikki is blind.
L&M locate and destroy the sub, killing P’aco. Cristina, Lakita’s mom, Cristina works at the State Department on a Need-to-know basis. Cristina gets notified (In Travor’s Park) that she needs to come in for a briefing. She goes into a local bookstore where an office is set up for her. Cristina learns that Rafael Chavez is also Yun Choi, an undercover Chinese double agent, the one who arranged for the Nuclear weapon exchange with P’aqo. Yun Choi is receiving a cloaking device and a weapon enhancer.
A ship is selected by Yun Choi to use to launch the attack and the transaction is confirmed by a P’aqo imposter (Nikki). Nikki becomes aware of Cristina’s involvement and kidnaps Micah and threatens to kill him if she does not help the deal to go through. Cristina reluctantly relents and looks the other way to allow the transaction. Lakita disguises herself as a cat and after putting Yun Choi under a spell, tries to switch the real weapon with a fake weapon. Nikki cannot see Lakita as a cat but she senses what Lakita is doing and appears at the scene of the transaction. Lakita escapes. Nikki has both the fake and real weapon. To punish Cristina and Lakita for getting involved, Micah is raped by Nikki (P’aqo) before being released. Micah is traumatized and cannot move; he needs to be fed intravenously. Lakita is depressed about her friend, Micah. Yun Choi arranges for the nuke to be fired on New York.
Yun Choi works to send the missiles from the ship. One will be fake and the other active. When they are launched only 3 days later, the cloaking device does not function right. And both missiles hit the target but neither one detonates. Yun Choi contacts Nikki furious that he was cheated.
Lakita explains to Cresha what she did to save Micah and Cristina. Lakita had arrived on the scene as a cat with a fake cloaking device and a fake weapon. Lakita manipulated the cloaking device and cloaked the real weapon. Sensing that Nikki was about to appear, Lakita opened a hole and moved herself to New York. Cresha wants to get involved and assists Lakita in locating P’aqo. Nikki recognizes the attack and immediately hides her identity. Cresha figures out that Nikki is really disguised as Victoria. Cresha works with Maria to create a spell where she is a cat. Evidently, Nikki could not see the cat before but she senses something is happening. Nikki shows up as Victoria and Cresha shows up as a cat. Victoria is meeting with Cristina to discuss Yun Choi. At the meeting, Victoria appears to Cristina that she is Nikki. As Nikki prepares to kill Cristina, Cresha freezes Nikki.
Cresha tries to heal Nikki as Victoria had. It doesn’t work. Cresha sends for Maria. Cresha is able to heal Victoria but she is too frail to do a healing. Maria arrives with Mike and Ed but she is not able to heal Nikki. Victoria says, “I guess there are some who never were whole to begin with.” Ed strikes Nikki dead.
I’m a writer specializing in blogs, business articles, and creative storytelling. While I enjoy the short story format, I’ve also written flash fiction, a novella, and a novel. My current focus is on refining my craft in erotica and American neo-realism fantasy, exploring themes of sexuality, social inequality, and the psychological impacts of exploitation, war, and terror.